PRESENT.  Talking today to a number of very special people I haven’t seen in a very long time, I’m reminded about how important it is to be present. Present when listening to someone else’s stories, present when sharing my own stories and present in my art practice. I don’t want to be one of those who just ends up doing the same thing over and over again, even if it’s working wonderfully. I want to grow and experiment and change and ... be present. - my daily mantra for right now. This mug is kind of about that too. In the moment of mixing a glaze from scratch, I decided to be present and play. I want to play. I want to jump up and down and dance in my studio. I want to laugh and smile whole heartedly and myself. I also want to experience beauty in my daily rituals, like drinking from a handmade mug , like this one, made with love and thoughtfulness. Thx everyone for taking the time to look, share and comment. It means the world to me.