What a sweet post from @gibranstudio It makes my day when someone receives my pottery and is delighted with it. Thanks Carly. Enjoy it!!!!!・・・I'm in LOVE with my very-first-just-arrived-best-part-of-my-day MUG from CORI SANDLER! (@corisandlerpottery) Seriously. Check out that surface! So subtle, so satin-y! I'll be drinking my Mother's Day coffee out of this one… Heck, I'll probably be drinking coffee out of this one everyday! It arrived with the sweetest card and a CD of an all woman music group that our Cori was part of ♡ Current soundtrack for our living room dance party! #claypeoplearethebestpeople #claysoul #claybuddies #artistfriends #claycommunity #newmug #womensupportingwomen
by | May 20, 2018 | A Potters Life - Blog | Cori Sandler | 0 comments