Gonna throw more pots today. At least that is the plan. You’d think it would be easy to just get into the studio and make make make during this time of isolation. I’m finding it hard though. Two days in a row, I’ve said I’m heading to the studio. Ow and 2 days in a row I’ve not been able to. Crazy really. My studio is in my home, nothing much is different in my daily life... (except everything if you get my meaning). I worry about those close to me and I worry about family so many miles away. I worry about silly decisions people make to “dare the odds” and go about life as usual, even though every notice from government, from institutions etc etc says STAY HOME. I’ll get to making pots, I will. I promise. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the next day ... and so on and so on. Yesterday I gave some fresh veggies to a neighbour who had none. She was going to make a soup from a chicken carcass and my veggies.  I’m reminded in the story about Stone soup. We all need to band together, help each other and words to self... play with clay and create.  Mug by #corisandlerpottery